sábado, 12 de diciembre de 2020


 Personally, I like English a lot, although it was not like that before. When I was younger, I didn´t understand anything about English and that was reflected in my grades at school, since I was doing very badly, but later, with the years and with several other experiences, English became my favorite language.

The English classes that I have had at the university have helped me a lot to perfect and remember several areas that I had completely forgotten, the teachers have helped me a lot and taught me many details to understand and speak English even better and the blogs are a great help to practice my writing. I feel that what I need most to practice in my English is pronunciation, and to learn the verb tenses well, I still have several difficulties with that, since I get confused with one another. 

English is still hard for me, but I feel that practice makes a big difference, I love practicing this language, for example I try to play the video games in English, it makes it a little more complicated, but it's great practice, or when I listen to music I try to read the lyrics and when I don't understand a word I look for it to understand the context well, and things like that. Little by little I have tried to watch series in English without subtitles, although that is much more difficult for me, because it´s difficult for me to differentiate the words with their pronunciation although little by little I have been learning many things and I intend to continue studying English, perhaps doing courses or similar things, since I would like to continue perfecting everything I can.

jueves, 10 de diciembre de 2020



Well, I haven´t thought much about what kind of studies I´ll do when I graduate and get my degree as a public administrator, although one thing is clear, I have always planned to continue with my studies, I would love to continue studying to develop myself and get a master's degree, for example in "government and public management" or maybe, who knows, study to get a master's degree in "public science", although I´m not very clear what I would like to do now.

What I would love to do is to be able to travel at some country to experience new things and seek new points of view, perhaps new cultures, customs, decisions, among other elements, which would help me develop my work in a more complementary and integrative way. 

Well, I would love to continue studying after graduating as a public administrator, I would like to further polish my skills, perhaps traveling to different countries, but with the goal of finding new skills, then follow my path and be able to work in areas that I would love to produce real changes, I was thinking perhaps in the Ministry of Women and Gender Equity, or in a completely different area, focusing mainly on animal rights, I still don´t have things completely clear, but it´s always good to give even a small glimpse of different options for a possible future.


jueves, 19 de noviembre de 2020


How difficult! I have many photographs that I love, with my family, my friends, my boyfriend, of beautiful and of course memorable memories, but there is one particular photo that I love the most, and it´s one that I have with all my brothers.

Between us we don't usually take many photos, but I considered that, as brothers, already older, we needed a photo of the four of us, together, so I asked them to take one, and so, a little surprised they accepted, we got together and I consider it was beautiful. This picture is about two years old.

I think pictures are a way to keep memories over time, and for the same reason, as we don't have many photos with my brothers all together, I consider this one it´s my favorite.

Among my siblings we are very close in our way, because since we were little they taught us that sooner or later my parents might not be able to be with us, so it had to be the four of us who took care of ourselves, a bond even stronger than we think. 

viernes, 6 de noviembre de 2020


The truth is that I´m still not very clear about what I want to do when I finished the career, although I have always wanted to and in fact it is my dream to collaborate with respect to the animalist theme.  

I want to train professionally as a public administrator, gain experience, really know what area I would like to focus on, and from there form my career. I have very visualized that I want to work in the public area, only as I mentioned before, I don´t know exactly what area of it I want to concentrate. But I would love to be part of the contributions to improve the lifestyle of the animals.   

For example, I would like to propose and implement public politics, with respect to the treatment of animals; ending with cosmetic experimentation, for example, improving care on farms, without overcrowding, without mistreatment, stop exploiting their consumption and treat them with respectful and in ahumane manner, as I feel they deserve. 

That is my dream, to do something that really matters and leave a mark in the animalist area, I want to protect them, take care of them and respect them, make sure they lead a dignified life, for that I want to become an excellent professional and some day fulfill my goal.


sábado, 31 de octubre de 2020


I love watching movies and I have seen many of them throughout my life, of all styles, romantic, comedy action, tragic, but above all, horror, I could say that this is my favorite gender, I love to feel that suspense that the movie causes, I enjoy watching them very much. And you could say that my favorite movie is somehow linked to that gender.

Well, my favorite movie is "The nightmare before Christmas", although I also love "Coraline and the secret door", both styles of movies are very similar.  I remember seeing "The Nightmare before Christmas" when I was very young, and to this day I still like it even more than before.

The movie focuses on Jack Skellington, the pumpkin king of Halloween Town, who is bored with doing the same thing every year for Halloween. One day he stumbles into Christmas Town, and is so taken with the idea of Christmas that he tries to get the resident bats, ghouls, and goblins of Halloween Town to help him put on Christmas instead of Halloween, but things don't turn out the way he expected. So, that's what the movie is about in a very short way. I really enjoy watching it, especially at this time of year.


I love remembering my favorite vacation, because for me, the whole trip was perfect. I remember that my family and I, at that time my younger brother was not yet born, went on a car trip down south for almost a entire month. Yes, it was a long trip, but a beautiful one.

I remember that we traveled through cities like Valdivia, Frutillar, Chiloé, Puerto Varas and Puerto Montt. We started our trip in Santiago and then went straight to Chillan to visit my mom's family. 

Among the things we did during our trip was to swim in the lakes, we did hikes and the most special thing of all, was that every place we went, we spent the night in a tent all together, my parents, my brothers, my dogs and me. We watched movies, played cards, told anecdotes, all the memories I have were beautiful.

We traveled to many places, saw beautiful thing, and did some many things. This trip was very special to me, not only because of the places we visited, but also because of the time and the memories we formed together.

miércoles, 14 de octubre de 2020


When I´m asked this question I immediately think of Vienna, this country is in Europe, more specifically it´s the capital of Austria. I would love to go, even if it´s only once in my life. The truth is that I´m not sure where I got the idea to go to Vienna, but since I heard about the country, it caught my attention and from there I started to investigate a little more and I was completely sure that one day I would make the effort to travel there.

I would like to go for entertainment, on vacation, for example, go to museums, walk through the gardens, maybe ride the ferris wheel, although I´m very afraid of heights, I still feel that it´s an opportunity that I couldn´t pass up.

Although I think that a small problem could be the communication, since there mainly is spoken German, although I don´t believe that it´s a big problem, since they also speak English but not everywhere. 


  Personally, I like English a lot, although it was not like that before. When I was younger, I didn´t understand anything about English and...